Thursday, May 25, 2006

NBC "iPod Nation - Core Values" Steve Jobs Humble Innovator On To The Next Big Thing

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Part 2 of Brian Williams' interview with Steve Jobs last Friday May 19, 2006 just before the doors opened on the new 5th AV Apple Store with the CUBE on the plaza of the GM building. Medium resolution @ 1000kbps iPod compatible.

Friday, February 03, 2006

CBS-Rocketboom Part of CSI-"Killer" 2.2.06 by Jerry Bruckheimer

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Last night on CBS' #1 show on all of TV, CSI, Amanda Congdon appeared in a FAKE Rocketboom from above the Las Vegas Strip warning the locals not to go where two were recently murdered in the same evening. You can't buy this kind of publicity. Yes it's not a REAL Rocketboom episode. And neither are the murders REAL. This is another classic moment in the evolution of Video Blogging and product placement publicity. Congratulations Amanda and Andrew Baron of Rocketboom and thank you Jerry Bruckheimer, Executive Producer, for placing them inside an episode.

This is from an EyeTV2 HDTV source recording and is Video iPod compatible.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

11.8.05 CBS-NBC 99 TV Show VOD on Comcast Cable and DirecTV Systems Early 2006

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CBS News Reports it and NBC will offer hit TV show Video On Demand (VOD) for only 99 on Comcast Cable and DirecTV systems. This is only half the $1.99 Apple is charging for ABC shows, shorts and music videos via iTunes. Will Apple match their price? Will consumers be able to record what they pay 99 for? Will they be able to burn ripped versions to CDs or DVDs. And will the shows be offered in their original widescreen HD versions?
These are the questions that need answers between now and when these new services begin early next year.

Friday, October 14, 2005

NBC Most Happy Fun Exciting Buzzy Thrilling History Lesson

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Steve - "...and you kinda get video for free as a bonus."
Continuous Caption: Handheld TV - New iPod Plays Video

Anonymous Consumer in Apple Store - "I've actually been looking for something that I could play video on." Really? Steve had no idea...

Omar Wasow, Technology Analyst - iPod has gone from an early adopter technology buff market to a Mainstream Mass Market phenomenon now a part of our culture.

Alexis Glick, this story's reporter, says you have to watch video on the 2.5 inch screen which is not necessarily the case. You can watch on your TV and you can watch on a video headset or external portable TV with a bigger screen - can you say light FLAT screen?.

Alexis - "Their new test is to find out if people will buy video they have to watch on a two and a half inch screen."
Steve - "There is no market for video on the go today. So we're going to have to create it."

Let's be clear Alexis. THIS IS NOT A TEST. There is no downside for Apple to add video playback capability for no more money and 50% more space at the $299 price point. You get a free video with every album you buy. We Video Podcasters have a way to reach the consumer like never before. And you broadcasters have a way to sell shows after they air in a new window between original air and rerun then DVD. You can Video Podcast the Today Show WITH advertising included for FREE and sell that market to your advertisers for a small premium or others who will pay less for VidPodcast ONLY ads.

The revolution will be Video Podcast and is being vlogged as you speak. You do NOT have to watch videos on the 2.5" screen. There IS A GIGANTIC MARKET for video on the go today. And Apple is NOT going to have to create it. What Apple is doing is providing the solution to a long standing challenge. And that is huge. Kudos to Apple. I love Apple. But the market has been getting PREGNANT with anticipation for this solution for years. Remember ARCHOS? It is like an iPod only too big and heavy with a minimal Mac interface.

I will be very surprised if Apple will be able to keep up with demand for these new iPods before sometime next summer, IF THEN. I think there is going to be a waiting list from here into next Spring at the soonest. It will be a case of capacity incapable of meeting demand for a long time.

Affordable technology and our new inexpensive broadband internet distribution system has just now fallen into place. So it's really the synergy of pent up demand meeting new affordable technological advances - not Apple creating a market or doing a test.

Thanks to Al Roker for ordering his last night. You the man Al.

Matt Lauer's close - "I know it's going to be huge. Absolutely. Everything they do is huge right now." You took the words right out of my mouth Matt.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

CBS Early Show Pitches TV Shows For Sale, Falling Apple Stock & A Way To Lose Your Sight

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ABC's TV Shows Desperate Housewives, Lost, Night Stalker & two comedies are for sale for $1.99 an episode. Adam Benjamin thinks Apple has a 6-month to almost a year competitive lead with the video enabled iPod. Sandra Hughes mentions Apple stock falling due to lower than Wall Street iPod sales expectations. Yeah they were only through the roof as usual. Women in the street - one clueless while the other totally gets it. At $299 she says, "That's a steal."

Interesting no one seems to understand the iPod has had video output since the introduction of the iPod Photo long ago. And let's not forget video goggles you can wear to have a large screen experience out of that little iPod.

CBS iPod Video Reports Ignore Vlogs & Video Podcasts

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The interesting thing about these two reports is that Video Blogging & Video Podcasts are completely ignored as a source of content that may drive sales of the new Video enabled iPod even though Apple lists "Video Podcasts" in the new iPod's Video menu pane:

Video Playlists
Music Videos
TV Shows
Video Podcasts
Video Settings

Steve didn't even mention there are already thousands of video podcast posts in the iTunes Podcast Directory to help sell the reason to buy a video capable iPod now rather than until movies are for sale next year which Jeffries & Company analyst Adam Benjamin posed is a reason consumers may not buy one yet.

This is the first of three broadcast reports I am posting today with comments about each one. Details of Steve's Presentation will follow tomorrow with a PDF full of links to Apple's many pages of descriptions.

Monday, October 10, 2005

iTunes Doesn't Always See Our Posts

<center><h1>iTunes Doesn't Always See Our Posts<p></h1></center>
We've made two posts in recent days that have failed to appear in the iTunes Podcast directory and FireANT. So we're resorting to posting this PDF so you can have the links to these missing posts this way. We don't understand why iTunes and FireANT simply can't see some posts that work fine from the browser and are all seen by <a href="" target="_blank">NetNewsWire</a> for Macintosh.<p>
Looks like we are in an era of the early iTunes multimedia client not fully understanding all feeds from a registered site due to some html code problems in the original posts that iTunes can't sense are corrected later. We have had errant bizarre html code mysteriously appearing in some posts that had nothing to do with the way we entered the code to begin with. Sorry for the delay in letting you know. Thanks for your understanding and patience with our continuing learning curve.<p>

</p>Here are the permalinks to each of the two recent posts iTunes doesn't see.<p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Vid.42mb.45.5min.Webzine 2005 Session 2 Jacob Appelbaum's Odyssey</a> posted October 6, 2005.<p>
<a href="" target="_blank">Empire "iBook" High. Tucson Arizona Bookless CyberSchool</a> posted September 22, 2005.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Webzine 2005 Session 1, Leveling The Playing Field - Journalism Online

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Justin Hall, Annalee Newitz, Susan Mernit, Adriel Hampton, George Kelly, Nicole Lee, Daniel Terdiman, Glenda Bautista, Jackson West, Moderator discuss the state of online journalism. September 24, 2005 San Francisco CA

Friday, September 23, 2005

CBS - iBook High. Vail Arizona Paperless, Bookless CyberSchool

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
Click on Image to Watch Video in QuickTime Player

CBS's Hattie Kaufman shows us a wonderful high school in Tuscon Arizona suburb Vail with no paper, no books - all Apple iBook G4's.

Featuring Calvin Baker, Superintendent, Vail Unified School District. Amanda & Andy Shea students. Cindy Lee, Principal Empire High School. Jeremy Gypton, Teacher. Wayne Gritis, Site Tech. Melinda Jensen, Teacher. From a 9.20.05 CBS Early Morning broadcast segment.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Vid.Josh Kinberg Describes 2004 to 2005 VlogoSphere Creation 27mb.28min

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>

Click on Image to Watch Video in QuickTime Player.

Joshua Kinberg tells of his development of the Video Blog Culture and FireANT since last year to date and predicts the future of it. At 26, the youngest of the founding fathers of the video blogging culture and technology describes how he came to help create the means for everyone to become webcasters of video to everyone else. Exclusive interview to FutureMedia 9.16.05 at the Digital Media Factory, Santa Cruz CA Cinemar Schmoozefest.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Welcome to the Video Blogging Sphere of Influence

VLogoSphere - the Video Logging Sphere (of Influence) is the evolutionary realm of the merging cultures and businesses of consumer electronics, internet and television industries for the benefit of all global citizens in the twentyfirst century. This is a blog about what's up in this realm. It's new and it's hip. Next it will change the world in ways few of us can imagine and none of us can safely predict. But global democratization of information access, citizen journalism and the BlogoSphere are changing everything in very short order.

Please contribute any thoughts you may have about the new unfolding world that lets anyone be a broadcaster of video to everyone on the planet - everyone with access to a computer that is. Please post any links you like and share your views as much as you like. Here's a basic tutorial on how to get started VLogging yourself written by Troy LeMaire of the Thanks Troy.